Warmteabsorptie door gassen

Hans van Suylekom stelde deze vraag op 19 april 2024 om 15:51.


To carry out this experiment, you will be measuring the temperature of different gases (CO2, N2, O2, and air) in sealed glass jars when exposed to sunlight to observe how each gas absorbs heat. This can provide insights into the thermal properties of these gases, which is particularly relevant for understanding atmospheric physics and the greenhouse effect.

Equipment and Setup

Four glass jars: Each must have the same volume of 10 dm³ and be capable of being sealed.
Thermometers: To measure the temperature inside each jar before and after exposure to sunlight.
Pure Gases: Carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), and standard atmospheric air.
A sunny location: For exposing the jars to sunlight around midday, ensuring they all receive equal amounts and conditions of sunlight.
A watch or timer: To keep track of the one-hour exposure time.

Fill each jar: Ensure each jar is filled with one type of gas (CO2, N2, O2, and air) at atmospheric pressure. The jars should be sealed tightly to prevent any gas exchange with the environment.
Initial temperature measurement: Measure and record the temperature inside each jar using the thermometers before placing them in the sunlight.
Sunlight exposure: Place all jars in a location where they will be exposed to direct sunlight at midday. Arrange them side by side to ensure that each jar receives the same amount of sunlight.
Timing: Expose the jars to sunlight for exactly one hour.
Post-exposure measurement: After one hour, measure and record the temperature inside each jar again.
Expected Observations and Analysis

Thermal behavior: Different gases have varying capacities to absorb and retain heat. For instance, CO2 might show a higher temperature increase compared to the other gases because of its well-known greenhouse properties.
Heat absorption: The specific heat capacities of the gases could affect the temperature change. Oxygen and nitrogen, being diatomic gases, have different heat capacities compared to monatomic gases.
Sunlight interaction: How each gas interacts with radiation can also influence the heating effect. Gases like CO2 absorb infrared radiation more effectively.
This experiment would be an excellent practical demonstration of how different gases absorb heat, which can further lead to discussions on topics such as global warming, the greenhouse effect, and atmospheric chemistry.

After the experiment, compare the temperature changes in each jar to analyze which gas heats up the most and discuss why this might be the case based on the properties of each gas.

2024-04-19 15:43:05



Theo de Klerk op 19 april 2024 om 16:12
So what did you do and why not in Dutch?  This is just a set of instructions of what to do.
J.M. van Suylekom op 19 april 2024 om 19:08
Heb hiervoor niet de middelen of materialen, in het engels bereik je meestal een groter geïnteresseerd publiek, dus zet ik de vraag uit.
Jan van de Velde op 19 april 2024 om 19:36

J.M. van Suylekom

in het engels bereik je meestal een groter geïnteresseerd publiek

Dat zal best, maar niet hier. Dan moet u ermee naar PhysicsForums of Quora of zo. 

Daar zult u inderdaad een groot publiek treffen.

J.M. van Suylekom

 dus zet ik de vraag uit.

 Ik zie geen vraag? Zolang u niet duidelijk maakt wat u beoogt met deze handleiding zal ook een Engelstalig platform weinig meer opleveren dan wedervragen. 

Veel succes aldaar,

Groet, Jan

Theo de Klerk op 20 april 2024 om 01:46
> After the experiment, compare the temperature changes in each jar to analyze which gas heats up the most and discuss why this might be the case based on the properties of each gas.

Dit zal het doel van het experiment zijn. En zoals het zegt: bekijk de resultaten en beredeneer waarom.
Zonder experiment geen resultaten en dus geen conclusies. Je kunt natuurlijk achteruit redeneren en de antwoorden produceren door gegevens op te zoeken in BiNaS of zo en er dan alsnog een reden bij bedenken.  Soortelijke warmte komt daarbij in gedachten.

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